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I am Priscilla Sobral, a Brazilian with a passion for travelling and books.


I have lived in Ireland, Australia and currently I’m living in The Netherlands. After becoming a mother, I had the urge to make a change in my career and lifestyle as I was constantly sick from the stress and pressure in the business world. It took me some time to sort things out.


A couple of different holistic therapies later

I was to be able to reconnect with myself

and find a new path for my life

asan aromatherapist.


Essential Oils enter my life as a tool to support my immune system and since then I discovered a whole new way to relate with plants and their amazing natural gifts. My curiosity led me to many aromatherapy courses around the world and now it is my work and life purpose.


Today, I reinforced my natural connection with plants and I am happy to be able to help people to find their way back to themselves and find balance in their lives.


My story.

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I had a very good experience with Aromatherapy with Priscilla`s help.

She is a very sensible person, able to feel what we need and work on that area.
Not everyone has the kindness and sensitivity to hear others problems and situations, but not only that,

in being effective on the treatment, in the exact areas were needed.
I feel the use of the essential oils and her blends make a huge difference, very subtle

in the beginning, but highly impacting in behaviour, attitudes and emotions.
I would definitely suggest this type of therapy to my friends and family, and undoubtedly, Priscilla`s work.

Shandra F.

Thank you!
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