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My work

as an aromatherapist.


Aromatherapy is the science and practice of the use of essential oils to improve individual wellbeing. It can be used alone but also as complement

to potentialize other therapies and medical treatment.



In my practice I will help you to restore and enhance your health. It is possible to make an appointment in person or online with some differences in the treatment depending of the type of consultancy. Every journey is unique, there is no pattern or fixed program for the treatment.


When looking inwards to get to know yourself better, you bring to light facts that are stored in your subconscious and as a result, you can release life limitations, negative believes and repetitive behaviour.  


We will work looking at the root causes of the problems and not the problem by itself. We will also consider your diet, lifestyle, sleep patterns and your emotional and medical history.


Holistic therapies are not only helpful for those going through a time of crises but also for those looking for a life with more emotional balance. 


If you have any questions, please contact me. It will be a pleasure to talk more about my work and explain how I can help you to improve your quality of life. 


What are Essential Oils?


Essential Oils are aromatic, volatile, lipophilic phytochemical molecules found in plants around the world. Those molecules are the result of plants’ secondary metabolism and are used by them in various ways, such as : attract and repel insects, against microorganisms, regulate temperature and others. 


Essential Oils molecules are found in different parts of the plants, such as : roots, rhizomes, flowers, leaves, seeds, bark, wood and fruit peels. Different parts of the same plant can produce different phytochemical compounds. 


Officially, we can only call essential oils the ones extracted through distillation and expression methodologies. Although there are other methods of extraction, for example: solvents extract, CO2 extract and enfleurage. It is applied in medicine, massage, parfum, food industry and many other industries.


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