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Breu Branco (Protium pallidum)

Breu Branco is known as the Brazilian Frankincense because it’s from the same family. They both are extracted from the resin as well, and they are essential oils that work on spirituality, but they are not the same.

Breu Branco grow in varies Brazilian ecosystem, so it is spread in different areas in Brazil, but its essential oil is often extracted from Amazon area.

Its resin can be white or black, both are extracted from the same tree. The color is determined by how old the resin is and not the tree’s specimens.

I have an opinion that all essential oils taken from resin has some degree of nutrition to our body, mind, and soul. With Breu Branco I have felt it as a balance between material and spiritual world. As we do need both in harmony to feel good as people. Understand we are matter but also divine.

Native people in Amazon burn this resin for energy cleaning. The essential oil is often used with the same purpose to purify and clean spaces and people.

It works on the respiratory system as well as to release fear and anxiety. I believe that’s because it’s calm effect. If you are calm, you are breathing correctly and as a result you become in control of your body and mind.

What is sacred for me? Am I in balance with my body and soul?

Let me know in the comments if you have experience with the Breu Branco!

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