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Enchantment is the word I learned for the Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), but it’s only after opening the green shell that I understood its true meaning. The pungent smell will spread immediately and inebriate oneself. This smell creates a feeling of ‘enchantment’ which you suppose to bring to your life!

Cardamom is known around the world as “The Grains of Paradise” and I connect this to the use of this plant to open the heart chakra. Paradise for me is this “Good Place” where I go (mentally) when I’m connected to my heart and to my truth.

When I started using Cardamom I was going through a process of purification and was very tired and physically weak. I chose this essential oil because it is well known to work on our digestive system. Emotionally it helps to dissolve stored issues that were not resolved and therefore opening up space for healing.

Also used to activate creativity where you co-create projects that speak with your true self even when people around you do not believe in it. And because you know what is the right thing for you to do and not care what other people think, it can also help you to speak better in public.

The empowerment effect of Cardamom will also affect how you relate to sex and therefore Cardamom is also known as an Aphrodisiac.

Do you make decisions based on what other people think about it? Do you open space for healing? Or are you attached to old issues that block your energy?

Let me know in the comments if you have any experience with Cardamom!

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