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Who is the Cypress?

There are many different types of cypresses, and today I will tell you about the Italian Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens). These elegant trees often seen in all the Tuscan pictures and films which inhabit the unconscious of many of us. Recently I had the opportunity to make the dream come true and spend a week in a in Tuscany where I was surrounded by Cypresses everywhere.

Cypress is the symbol of immortality, where sempervirens (botanical name) means everlasting.

In Ancient Egypt the tree was used for the production of incense as well as for making sarcophagus. Cypress is associated with Hades or Pluto, the God of the underworld and death, therefore you can find it in many graveyards around the world. It is not surprising the essential oil of this plant is used to help with the loss of people for death or separation. It helps us in general to cope and accept any big life transition.

In Greek mythology it is related to Cyparus, the king of Cyprus, who was transformed in a Cypress tree by Zeus because he was not able to forgive himself for killing an elf. Here we can connect with another use of this plant, known to help us to let it go off one’s sorrow and have acceptance.

Cypresses stand majestic, tall and pointing high up to the sky. Van Gogh showed us beautifully this characteristic in his paintings as in the “The Starry Night” painting. Cypress essential oil is also used to bring you to your center, to direct your energy for what is important and let it go of things that are just consuming your energy, bringing a state of stability.

Have you ever seen how beautiful the pattern within a cypress cone is? For me it brings up the characteristic of this plant to help us see the beauty within and consequently bringing harmony to our lives. You can only see this beautiful pattern if you look inside the cone!

Are you ready to let it go? Or are you afraid to change?

Let me know in the comments what experience or thoughts you have with the Cypress!


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