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How do I work?


I work with emotional and energetic Aromatherapy where aromatic plants are used to help you in the path of gaining self-knowledge and bringing awareness about limiting actions and emotions that are stored in your sub consciousness. It can be done alone or as a complement to another treatment. Follow the steps:


  • During the first appointment, I will get an overview of client’s general healthy history and routine regarding nutrition, sleeping, etc. 

  • We will then discuss emotional issues and behavior limiting the client to live a healthier and more fulfilling life. 

  • Depending on the identified issues and the clients’ goals we decide what to work on. I will choose the essential oil to be used during the treatment. In case a package is selected, we will devise a plan for the period of the package. 

  • The blend with the chosen essential oil will be delivered to the client. In case of a package, the client will receive blends for the whole period. One blend will be used for 10 days with a pause afterwards. 

  • Then we will arrange a new appointment to discuss about everything that happened during this period, such as: different behavior, memories brought up, emotions, symbols, dreams, and anything else that is relevant. 

  • Bringing those memories and emotions into conscious awareness may help us to spot the problem and take action to make real changes in our life. 

  • If it is a package or the client wants to go for another round, we then start with a new blend and follow the same process as described above. 

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